Multi-Billion dollars innovation but is it a step in the right direction?
Humans have been searching for wealth, health, and most importantly the meaning of existence since the beginning of time.
Integrating ChatGPT3 and Bard into Microsoft and google search engine is “Not a step forward”. Read on to find out why?
Failed and unknown 26-year-old clerk leading a mediocre life radically transformed the way humans understand the universe.
The secret to Einstein’s original thinking was solitude and utter disregard for existing scientific thoughts.
In a letter to his friend, he wrote, “How conducive to thinking and working the long sea voyage is—a paradisaical state without correspondence, visits, meetings, and other inventions of the devil!”
To quote Henry Ford - “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
Eureka! Eureka! In a fit of jubilation, Archimedes leaped straight out of the bath and ran naked down the streets shouting “Eureka!” – “I've found it!”. Solitude was the secret behind Archimedes’ principle.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – G.B. Shaw
The list is endless from Buddha, Socrates, Gandhi, and Tesla to Steve Jobs/Elon Musk.
You have to be contrarian and right, Innovation and leadership is the result of an intense journey into yourself.
ChatGPT and Bard synthesize collective human thinking from the internet at a point in time. These are tools that allow users to enter written prompts and receive new human-like text or images and videos generated by the AI.
Metaphorically speaking, #chatgpt3 or #bard is the “reasonable man” in the G.B. Shaw quote. Therefore progress is not possible with ChatGPT or Bard.
We are at a crossroads, ChatGPT and BARD will write essays and automate mundane tasks such as medical documents, accounting, and legal documents faster and better than humans.
The key question for us humans is, what are we going to do with our free time?
Consume more content from YouTube, TikTok, Netflix et-al to reinforce collective thinking
Intermittently, spend time in solitude to achieve enlightenment and scientific progress.
Personally speaking, walking along the river without gadgets is a prerequisite for my writing.
If we consume only AI generated content, human race is at the risk of becoming "Frog in the Well".
Views are personal. I share my learning, interests, and inspiration. Join my learning journey, follow Guru Padmanabhan
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