What is Metaverse? Why now?
It is the next chapter in the wealth creation. Let’s start from the beginning
Chapter 1 – "Real wealth in real world"
Humans occupy tiny real estate called planet earth in the universe. Let’s call the planet earth – real world.
The wealth creation process started when humans settled down, the concept of ownership was born.
Wealth was all about owning real stuff in the real world – clothes, cattle, land, precious stones, metals, art and so on and so forth.
Over time, humans owned everything that is real stuff in the real world.
Chapter 2 – "Imaginary wealth in the real world"
Humans collectively agreed set of rules for imaginary wealth in the real world, created imaginary entities – country, corporation, stocks, bonds, options, interest rate, currencies, etc.
Enormous imaginary wealth was created in the real world, today, the market capitalisation for top 6 US corporations is c. $11 Trillion (~50% of US GDP). Microsoft: $2.5 Trillion(T), Apple: $2.5T, Alphabet: $1.9T, Amazon: $1.8T, Tesla: $1.2T, Facebook: 0.9T.
It appears that we have reached limits of imaginary wealth in the real world.
Chapter 3 – "Imaginary wealth in the imaginary world (Metaverse)"
Inadvertently, pandemic has led to new growth opportunities. We just lived in primitive minimum viable product (MVP) version of Metaverse – it was called remote working via Zoom and WebEx. Upgrade is the logical next step.
Metaverse is all about creating compelling imaginary world with immersive experience, we have reset the clock.
Humans will own imaginary real stuff in the imaginary world (imaginary Clothes, imaginary land, imaginary art: NFT) and imaginary stuff in the imaginary world (new currencies in Meta and Mesh)
New virtual worlds will be akin to countries – they will issue passports and visa to live, work and visit.
Stay tuned for more.
Chapter 4 – "We are not done yet with the real stuff"
It is no surprise that the billionaires are in a race to find more real stuff in a another world (Planet MARS), we will start with chapter 1 all over again but this time in MARS.
But please do not forget to eat and sleep in the real world. We need real people like you to run the Metaverse.
Take it easy until next time.
Remember, opinions/views are personal and certainly not an investment advice.
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