Would you prefer a digital copy of your brain to outlive you? What if this digital copy could help guide your children, grandchildren, and future generations?

Let's explore the possibilities of AGI – Artificial General Intelligence.

AGI is human-like intelligence and can perform a wide range of tasks that are typically associated with human cognition, such as reasoning, learning, problem-solving, perception, and natural language understanding.

Is it possible to codify a digital copy of you? It is not as absurd as you think

1. Every object in this universe obeys the laws of nature, collectively we have discovered some of the laws to predict eclipses, tides, the life of a star, etc. We have applied these laws to land a man on the moon and returning him safely back to the earth.

Consider the following thought experiment

2. We do think Sun or Moon have no choice but to show up in the sky every day because they are bound by nature’s law.

3. On the other hand, we audaciously think that an insignificant speck of the human race in the vast universe is so special that we can exercise free will. Are we really exempt from nature's law? there is no conclusive evidence yet to conclude whether it is ignorance or intelligence.

4. Let's explore ignorance through conjecture, If everything is bound by nature's laws, with sufficient computing power it should be possible to program a digital copy of your brain. Your lived experiences, words, and actions could be used as input to predict your thoughts, words, and actions.

Effectively, you could live on as a chatbot after your lifetime, learning and experiencing new things long after your life. Your children can continue to seek your guidance.

5. Imagine the possibilities of interacting with historical figures like Buddha or Lincoln as chatbots with their own opinions on AGI or brokering peace deals between Russia and Ukraine. This technology is not some science fiction set in a distant future; it's happening now.

6. It's no surprise that prominent figures like Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak are calling for the suspension of training powerful AI systems until we assess the consequences.

7. It is impossible to do justice to the vast and complicated topic, I have oversimplified for illustration. There are still open questions about free will and the limitations of language to express thoughts.

Stay tuned for more, it is an exciting time to learn.

Note: Views are personal and certainly not investment advice. Join my learning journey, follow Guru Padmanabhan

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