2023 has been a busy, eventful, and action-packed year. It is time to power down, reflect, and share holiday wit and wisdom.

What surprised me most this year?

Writing online and sharing my thoughts on random topics has proven to be an unexpectedly enjoyable experience. I never imagined it would be this much fun!


Freedom!, no boundaries, no agenda, no expectations.

What have I learned?

Done is better than perfect. Writing for yourself is fun. Writing for others is work.

I cringe when reading some of my old writings, I have changed my mind on a few topics, but most have stood the test of time.

Opinions change but values never change over time.

Where am I going?

Nowhere, when the journey is enjoyable the destination does not matter. Keep going…

I am sure that each one of you fought valiantly in your respective arenas; remember, everyone is running their own race, so do not look over your shoulders.

Congratulations on crossing the 2023 finish line! You made it.

Finally, It is holiday shopping time, I remembered an old joke

It was a story about a man who walks into a fishing tackle store and sees a bunch of colourful fishing rods and lures.

“My God, they’re purple and green!” he says to the owner.

“Do fish really take these lures?”

In a moment of candidness, the store owner answers,

“Mister, I don’t sell to fish.”

I found that funny, I have been found guilty of buying what was sold instead of buying what I needed.

Happy holidays!

It is time to rest, reflect, be grateful, rejuvenate, and re-energize.

Let’s reconnect in 2024

Laugh, and Learn every day.

You can read my writings at view all blogs.


A million opportunities lie ahead of you in 2024. Are you ready?


Comedy is the hardest job in the world, a long comedy career is a testament to intelligence, extreme customer focus, resilience, and durability. Lessons from Jerry Seinfeld.