A young successful lawyer asked a billionaire, “I'm practicing law and I don't like it. I'd rather be a billionaire like you. How can I do it?”
After a long pause, the billionaire narrated the story of Mozart.
A young man goes to see Mozart. And he says I want to start composing symphonies.
And Mozart said, how old are you? And the guy says 22.
And he says you're too young to do symphonies.
What? But you were 10 years old when you were composing symphonies.
And Mozart says, yes, but I wasn't running around asking other people how to do it.
The billionaire Charlie Munger did not elaborate further, but let’s explore what he meant.
Not everybody can do everything.
Being yourself and offering something unique is the only way to find success and happiness. No one can compete with you being you.
Do not go around the town asking for advice to be someone else.
Despite his prodigious talent, Mozart led an utterly miserable life because of his petty jealousy and spending habits. Do not confuse success with happiness.
According to Charlie, achieving happiness is very easy.
Do not spend more than you earn.
Avoid, envy, resentment, revenge, and self-pity.
It is as simple as that.
Take it easy until next time.
Note: Views are personal, keep learning, join my learning journey, and follow Guru Padmanabhan
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