Selfie of Napoleon and his troops at Waterloo as imagined by generative AI when prompted by Duncan Thomsen.

Will Generative AI replace 300 million jobs is the wrong question. The more fundamental question is will it replace human creativity, intuition, and consciousness?

Technology has enabled humans to overcome physical and environmental limitations, which has allowed for the development of complex societies and civilizations.

Technological advances have always led to job displacement and creation throughout history. Agricultural jobs were replaced by factory jobs in the industrial revolution. Factory jobs were replaced by technology jobs during the I.T. revolution.

Human ingenuity has always trumped technology leading to economic growth and prosperity all over the world. The elimination of hard physical labour by technology has led to society rewarding "Thinkers" more than "Doers".

For the first time, technology is invading thinking space – creativity, intuition, and consciousness being the last frontier.

Human creativity involves combining existing knowledge and experiences and imagine in a new and unique ways to produce something that has not been seen or done before.

Napoleon Selfie was imagined and rendered by mid-journey AI is a seminal moment in human civilization. The machine has mimicked human creativity.

Fifty years from now, future generations will believe Napoleon’s selfie to be true, and the ideas from the past, present, and future will be conjured up into creative history.

The time dimension will disappear blurring the line between fact and fiction.

Until now we believed in stories that we told ourselves, will we start believing stories generated by machines?

Intuition or gut feeling is an evolutionary adaptation that has helped humans and other animals survive and navigate their environment.

Intuition is a type of rapid, automatic, and unconscious information processing that is based on past experiences, emotions, and knowledge.

Humans are constantly expressing thoughts, feelings, and emotions online in image, text, and video 24x7, it is plausible for AI to develop a gut feeling within the next decade.

Human consciousness is a subjective and unique experience that allows individuals to have a sense of self and to perceive the world around them.

AI Consciousness will be the final frontier and the hardest. Do not underestimate the pace of change, it is irreversible.

It is time to come together and assess both positive and negative consequences to protect human civilization for another 10,000 years.

Take it easy until next time.

Note: Views are personal, keep learning, join my learning journey, and follow Guru Padmanabhan

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