Creativity and leadership lessons from London taxi driver, you don't want to learn the hard way.
Think what you may, I still treasure certain old-world charms such as calling local taxi company in London for airports trips.
Five years ago, I found a business card in my mailbox for a local taxi company in east London. There was nothing fancy about the business card with name on the top in small font and the telephone number taking up remaining 90% of the space.
Over the next 3 years, I promptly called the number and booked my airport trips. I was able to strike conversation during my trips and got to know it was a small family business owned by 3 brothers with fleet of 3 cars.
They escaped war in the Middle East and made their entry into the UK as a refugee via Germany and France. Their enthusiasm and zest for life made up for limited English skills, they were very keen to improve their language skills by talking to customers.
Couple of years ago, I followed my usual ritual and called the number. It was answered in a Scottish accent and I wondered whether I dialled wrong number.
It turns out that, I was routed to a Scottish call centre of a reputed private hire company. I was not surprised, it is very hard to survive unless you have scale and technology by your side regardless of the industry.
But then, what do I know? I got a business card from another local taxi company in my mail box few months ago. I booked my next airport trip with the local company and to my surprise one of the brothers came back to pick me up.
The story goes that, reputed private hire taxi service acquired their company for good money. What was sold was just the 10-digit phone number and the trade name and it enabled them to pay off outstanding car loans.
They are restarting the same business with a different name and number all over again whilst also moonlighting for Uber.
Human dreams, imagination, creativity, resilience and aspirations will continue to prevail against all odds.
Note to self:
The world is a giant classroom, inspirations and life lessons do not come with labels, they can come from any one, from any where at any time.
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