Leadership lessons from Mike Duke, former CEO of Walmart. You don’t want to learn the hard way.
Mike Duke served as CEO of Walmart from 2009 – 2013. He joined Walmart in 1995 as CEO of International Operations.
After this tenure as CEO ended, he was getting used to new realities. He observed something strange and shared it with his wife.
"I cracked my usual joke at the party but nobody laughed. I used to crack the same joke at Walmart all over the world and the entire town hall was filled with laughter. I wonder why?"
His wife responded, “Honey, did you really think that joke was funny?”
Note to self:
1. Do not confuse power with leadership, power is temporary whilst leadership is permanent.
2. Circumstances makes you a hero or a zero. Remember, neither is permanent.
3. Leading with title is lot easier, leading without title will test your leadership skill.
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