Designing a pen that works in space, I bet you can solve this challenge with some thought.

At the height of space race between US and Soviets, the biggest challenge was to put ink on paper under zero gravity conditions in space.

Most of us jump straight into potential solutions without questioning the problem statement.

Let’s breakdown the problem to a fundamental level and reason up from there.

On that basis, the problem gets re-framed – How to write in space under zero gravity conditions?

The legend has it that NASA spent millions to develop pen whereas Soviets used a pencil.

It is a myth, however there is lot to learn from this fiction.

"The solution of a problem lies in the understanding of the problem; the answer is not outside the problem, it is in the problem.” - J.K

I have used this myth to illustrate a point. However, there are more layers to peel in this example.

The myth was so popular, it warranted an article in Scientific American. (Link in comment section)

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