The Innovation Paradox - Short skit

A caveman (CM) and his son (CS) time travel to present day, they happen to meet a modern human (MH) in US west coast.

CM: It has been a long journey, we need food.

MH: I'll take you to most innovative grocery store, you will witness all the developments first hand.

CM: That’s great, what is so innovative?

MH: Everything, to begin with it is organic i.e natural.

MH: It is seasonal and locally produced.

CM: What else?

MH: The best of all, there is no checkout. You just walkout with food without stopping to pay.

CM: I see, it is natural, seasonal, locally produced and you take the food and walkout.

CM: So, nothing changed in 4000+ years.

CS: Dad – but you don’t have to go out to the forest to fetch food, the food is already in the cave.

CM: Fair enough.

MH: Wow!, you have just given me an idea for unicorn start up – Farm Cloud, Shopify for food industry.

MH: Customers grow and harvest their own food, we will develop ecosystem- land, seeds, crop, farmers, water et al on monthly subscription.

MH: We will take it public in 6 months via SPACs.

CM: What is he talking about?

CS: I guess, they will venture out of their cave to forest to fetch food.

CM: Son, It is time to go back to the future.

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Two- faced humans hoodwink Bengal Tiger – Lateral Thinking Lessons


“I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote you a long one.” - Mark Twain & Blaise Pascal (in French).