Guru’s Blogs

Extraordinary state of the financial markets in 2021 – 10 interesting facts
The Federal reserve’s balance sheet size has doubled to $8 Trillion since March 2020 flooding the market with cheap money (near 0% interest rate).

What can we learn from Leonardo Da Vinci's notebooks?
It is often told that creativity and innovation arise at the intersection of art and science. However, Leonardo Da Vinci viewed the world around him as one continuous boundary less canvas filled with wonder and wanted to know everything about everything. We can only try to cultivate this thirst for learning in ourselves and our children.

Do cats control human mind? Do cats have the ability to increase human concentration and focus?
A great Zen Buddhist master, who was in charge of the Mayu Kagi monastery, had a cat which was his true passion in life. So, during meditation classes, he kept the cat by his side – in order to make the most of his company.

Strangely, as I prepare to return to office, bananas are flooding my memories. Read on and it will make sense.
Before the pandemic, free assorted fruits were provided to the employees at work twice a week. Being early to office gave me bird’s eye view of the fruit dynamics.

What is Metaverse? Why now?
Humans occupy tiny real estate called planet earth in the universe. Let’s call the planet earth – real world.

Do you use Occam's Razor to K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid)? let's explore...
Occam's Razor is a philosophical construct named after William of Occam village in England. The simplicity heuristic (rule of thumb) is underpinned by two core principles:

"The Donkey's problem" - Very short story for you and your children
Once upon a time, there was a donkey that was equally hungry and thirsty standing exactly midway between bale of hay and bucket of water.

Arts professor announced grading scheme: A+ for one perfect clay cup at the end of the term or A+ for 100 clay cups of any quality. What will you do?
At the end of the term, counterintuitively all the best quality clay cups were produced by the quantity group.

Do you think Leonardo da Vinci would have achieved greatness, if he was working from home? Let’s explore.
There was no indication of genius during Leonardo’s childhood at Vinci but everything changed when he relocated to Florence and became an apprentice at Verrorochio’s workshop.

"The slow walk"
It was January 1st, the village head's new year resolution was to walk along the river bank every day.

Talent will take you to the summit but you need self-discipline and mental strength to stay on top.
This post is about Test cricket. Do not let fear of unknown dampen your curiosity, read on. Let serendipity work its magic.

Career Trajectory – impact of Compounding vs Network effect
Doing simple things well consistently over a long period of time will produce exponential outsized results.

"The master and the tea cup"
The most learned man in the village brimming with pride went to the zen master's house,

Carefully examine the photo - did you notice something unusual?
Comet went into service in 1952, it featured 4 turbojet engines, pressurised cabin, backward swept wings, undercarriage and unusual large square windows. It was so futuristic, the core design of modern day jets remains unchanged.

I read "India Unbound" twenty years ago, there are some stories that stick with you and continue to inspire for rest of your life.
I remembered the story of "Tea Kettle & Vicks" by Gurucharan Das -former CEO of P&G India whilst writing about "Elephant Path".

The Dutch call these "Elephant Path" and the rest call these "Desire Path"
they usually signal a design failure to connect with human behaviour but occasionally it might be leading indicator of human failure

It took 16 years for stock market to recover losses after 1929 but it recovered in less than 6 months in 2020.
During the aftermath of great depression, President Roosevelt increased government spending - construction of large scale public works such as dams, bridges, schools and subsidized federal lending to rail road and industries.

Are assets overvalued? what next? Question to Warren Buffet and Charlie M @ BRK AGM
Warren - "Zero rates. Interest rates, basically, are to the value of assets, what gravity is to matter. If I could reduce gravity, it’s pull by about 80%, I’d be in the Tokyo Olympics jumping".
It was in New York and now it is in New Delhi.
Seek help when you need, do not let pride prevent you from asking.

Wisdom from Jeff Bezos' last letter as CEO - Differentiation is Survival and the Universe Wants You to be Typical
“Staving off death is a thing that you have to work at. Left to itself – and that is what it is when it dies – the body tends to revert to a state of equilibrium with its environment.